Authenticity: A Grand Narrative in Tourism That Is Still in Demand!

Document Type : Original Article


Tourism Department, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Kurdistan, Sanandaj, Iran.


Authenticity in tourism has been a subject of debate for many years, drawing perspectives from various disciplines, including anthropology, sociology, psychology, and philosophy. While some view authenticity as an objective quality of things, events, or places, others argue that authentic experience is of little importance and the true value lies in creating memorable experiences away from home. Despite being introduced more than fifty years ago, there are still many uncertainties surrounding the nature, significance, emergence, and outcomes of authenticity in tourism. This concept holds great importance in tourism, not only from a theoretical standpoint but also in its practical applications in planning, development, and marketing. Many tourist destinations and attractions strive to position themselves as authentic to stand out in a competitive market. This paper provides a conceptual review of the evolution of authenticity in tourism and explores new directions and opportunities for future research. 


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